At the Niger Delta Town Hall Meeting at resource for London Centre with Notable Leaders for the actualisation of resource control and self-determination as a means for everlasting peace in Nigeria. With our Amazon Annkio Briggs, IYC president Udengs Eradiri, Elder Rowland Ekperi and many more. It is a clarion call for all, as the drums for justice beat. We employ all ethnic Nationalities of the region to part way with our differences and stop fighting one another. What is ahead of us is greater than fighting each other.

Since 1960 till date, Nigeria claims to be a federation yet she operates a unitary state to the disadvantage of the Niger Delta region and people. The Niger Delta people and region have been sustaining and continues to sustain Nigeria with our resources, at the high cost of the destruction of our environment, livelihood and development and at the life threatening cost of gas flaring, cancer, blindness, skin diseases and many other illnesses. Let us unite and pursue the restructuring of Nigeria for the purpose of everlasting peace.

